Once cooked, this hard root vegetable becomes soft and delicious. The dark velvety red color helps protect against heart disease and other ailments where blood and circulation is involved.
Remove leafy tops if present and scrub beets. Do not peel or remove roots.
Place beets in pressure cooker with enough water to cover the bottom half of the beets. Secure lid. Bring heat to high. When cooker has reached pressure, lower heat to medium low and cook 20 to 25 minutes.
Remove from heat and let pressure come down naturally. Beets should be quite tender when pierced with a fork.
When cool enough to handle, slip skins off under cool running water. Trim ends if needed.
Slice beets, dress with a bit of butter and vinegar if desired, serve.
Recipe Notes
Recipe from Feeding the Whole Family (3rd ed.) by Cynthia Lair (Sasquatch Books, 2008).