Congestion, sore throat, headaches, sneezing, fatigue…Is it allergies or COVID? This spring, it may be hard to tell. The two can share similar symptoms, so it is important to continue getting tested for COVID. However, once COVID and other infections are ruled out, there are additional dietary and lifestyle considerations to help aid in symptom relief of seasonal allergies. Here’s what Cassie Petro, MS, CN, MSGH did to help one of her clients experiencing this:
Cassie worked with a 35-year-old male presenting with itchy, watery eyes, congestion, sneezing, itchy nose and throat, and temporary loss of smell. He’s prone to seasonal allergies, but OTC antihistamines usually relieved his symptoms in the past. This time nothing seemed to be helping his allergies and it was impacting his ability to get adequate sleep. He then started experiencing low energy, brain fog, and slight changes in appetite. After his physician confirmed it was hay fever, we focused on reducing his allergic response by incorporating antihistamine and anti-inflammatory foods and supplements, as well as other lifestyle modifications. Important to note, he still took OTC allergy medication when warranted and in combination with these interventions. This is what I recommended:
- Food:
- Increase intake of fresh citrus fruits, apples, and berries, which are high in vitamin C and quercetin – important antioxidants for reducing inflammation associated with histamine.
- Increase intake of protein to help support proper immune function
- Increase vegetable intake to help reduce inflammation and support the gut microbiome
- Increase intake of omega 3 fatty acids by eating more wild-caught salmon, nuts, and seeds to further reduce inflammation and support brain health.
- Increase intake of water to help detoxify and hydrate the body
- Incorporate herbal teas with raw local honey into the diet to help with desensitization to pollen.
- Limit alcohol and processed food intake to help limit mucus production
- Lifestyle:
- Deep clean of his apartment to reduce dust and other allergens; Cleaning bed sheets and blankets weekly.
- Purchasing an air purifier to help trap allergens, viruses, and other pathogens in the air
- Switching to more natural cleaning supplies and personal care products to reduce his exposure to allergens and toxicants.
- Daily movement – to aid in detoxification, improve sleep, reduce stress, and support proper cognitive function.
- Herbal steams and aromatherapy to help clear airways
- Wearing a mask on windy days when working outside for long periods of time.
- Supplements:
- Natural D-Hist – natural antihistamine that works to reduce inflammation associated with seasonal allergies, and alleviate mucus production; also restores balance within the immune response. This supplement was suitable for this client due to the fact that he wasn’t on any medications. Consult a qualified health care provider before taking supplements.
With the help of a nutritionist, you can conquer the seasonal allergies that many just accept as a part of spring! Please give our administrative team a call at 206-853-0534 or schedule yourself online here.
Interested in learning more? Schedule an appointment with Cassie to get support on your journey to holistic and kind health.
Written by Starkel Nutrition provider, Cassie Petro, MS, CN, MSGH
Edited by Starkel Nutrition Marketing Assistant, Mairin McCurdy |