Is it time to toss your microwave?

I live in a very small space and have an old Kenmore microwave/convection oven that I’ve been cooking in for years. This oven came with my home and I have no way of knowing if it is older than my adult children, but I suspect it may be.  Over the years I’ve wondered...

Getting Through The Darker Days of Winter

In the Northwest, we face an especially dark (and usually damp) winter.  From November through March the days are short and the sky is gray.  Even if you are one who appreciates this season, it is hard not to feel the emotional and physical effects of the darkness....

Take 2 for YOU!

We are being encouraged more and more to get moving and keep moving to avoid the pitfalls of being sedentary. Sitting too much and for too long has overwhelmingly negative consequences in terms of our body size, health, and longevity, regardless of whether or not we...

6 Ways to Bust Out of a Cold Weather Exercise Rut!

As the weather gets colder, do you find it harder to get yourself moving? With less daylight in the evening, it can be a challenge for many working people to get the minimum of 30 minutes of exercise each day to benefit your body and mind. Here are some creative ideas...

Add Some Color to Your Winter Menus With Root Veggies

Root vegetables come in a variety of colors, textures, and flavors to brighten up your meal this Fall and Winter. Not only are these foods pretty to look at, but they are relatively low in calories compared to grains while providing a variety of important nutrients....

Is Whole Wheat Really Healthy For Me?

First off, let me begin by saying that we are talking about modern wheat…not the wheat that your grandparents or great grandparents ate when they were growing up. Our wheat is a completely new kind of wheat thanks to farming practices that have genetically modified...