Mark your calendar for Saturday, January 13th, 2018 at 10 am for Starkel Nutrition’s participation in the MLK Weekend 5K Run at Magnuson Park in Seattle. Committing to and training for an event like this is a great way to motivate yourself and increase your activity level. Yes, you can walk, walk/jog, jog or run—feel free to invite your friends and family (even your kids!) to join as well.
Register Now
Online registration through the official race website is open. However if you join us, Starkel Nutrition will pay 25% ($5) of the fee on your behalf. The total cost of the 5K run is $20 ($15 with the Starkel Nutrition 25% discount). A commemorative shirt is an additional $18. We’ll collect your registration fee and information and then register everyone under one team. To get the discount and register for the run with Starkel Nutrition, please call (206) 853-0534 by Thursday, November 30, 2017.
Join Our Facebook Group
Communicate with the group for this event by joining our MLK Weekend Run Facebook Group to chat about practices, and anything else!
Train With Us!
Meet up with participants for a weekly 1-hour walk/jog every Friday morning at 7:45 am. The walk begins in Magnolia (at the corner of Gilman and Emerson). Please post on the Facebook Group if you’re coming.
Download the Training App
We recommend an app to use for training. It is the “Couch to 5K” app. You can connect with friends or other participants from our group on this app too.
We look forward to seeing you there, and moving through the holidays with you!