Counterfeit Products Being Sold on Consumer Websites

A recent study done by the Government Accountability Office (GAO) revealed that many major online retail sites are selling counterfeit products that pose potential risks to consumers. The popular online distributors involved in the study were Amazon, Walmart, Sears...

Nutritional Supplements: When to Take and With What

As clinicians, we always ask our clients what nutritional supplements they take, or we often recommend them.  An important aspect of taking supplements is knowing when and with what to take them.  For example, B vitamins on an empty stomach can cause nausea, or some...

Cervical Cancer Awareness Month

January is cervical cancer awareness month.  What can we do to prevent this disease?   It was estimated that nearly 12,820 women would be diagnosed with cervical cancer in the US in 2017 with an estimated 4,210 deaths. As a percentage, this number has been...

Migraine Relief au Natural

Migraine headaches are characterized by pounding, throbbing, often one-sided head pain that may last from a few hours to 3 days. If you have them, you don’t need them explained to you! Migraines can be so debilitating, leading to missed work, school and play days. Is...

A Closer Look Into the Benefits of Fenugreek Seeds

Fenugreek seeds (Trigonella foenum-graecum) have a long history in the culinary and medicinal worlds.  Egyptians, Romans and Indians used the seeds for embalming, as cattle fodder, and to improve digestion. Recently there has been some impressive research on...