FODMAP is defined as Fermentable Oligo-, Di- Mon
1. Use large chunks in oil
The fructans in garlic and onions are soluble in water, so if you put large chunks in soup, the fructans will leach out into the soup, which is a no-go to keep those FODMAPs low. However, the fructans don’t leach out into oil, so you can easily sauté larger chucks of garlic and onions and then remove the chunks. The result? Lots of flavor and no fructans! You can also purchase garlic infused oil, just make sure it’s truly infused and doesn’t use garlic extract. Check for truly FODMAP-free infused oils.
2. Go green
Use the green portions of scallions (green onions) or leaks which don’t contain fructans. You can cut the green tops of scallions and if the white section still has its roots, place it in a jar with an inch of water on your kitchen countertop and watch it regrow! Replace the water every few days and your onion will continue to sprout. Just know that the flavor of the green top will weaken over time. Whole chives are also safe to consume on a Low FODMAP diet.
3. Asafoetida
Asafoetida is a spice common in Indian cooking and has a pungent onion flavor. A little goes a long way though, so start by sautéing 1/8 teaspoon in a bit of oil at the beginning of your recipe and see if you like the flavor. You’ll soon master how much you need to use to replace the onion in your favorite recipes.
4. Garlic scapes
These are the green tops of garlic right before they bloom. They are Low FODMAP, can be added to recipes, sautéed, eaten on their own and they can be made into a “garlic” salt that can be eaten year round. Check out Guts By Nature for an awesome recipe.
Written by Autumn Hoverter, MS, RDN |