Coronavirus or COVID-19 The nutritionists at Starkel Nutrition put our heads together to offer our thoughts on the coronavirus. These are some of our recommendations regarding the current outbreak amidst the abundance of information already available, as we know we...
With Seattle buzzing with the talk of snow, everyone’s reaction seems to be different. Some anticipate it with a smile, some dread the implications for the roads and the traffic. Whichever end of the spectrum you may fall on, we would like to take this...
With summer approaching many of us have fun vacations to look forward to. Traveling can be full of amazing experiences that feed the soul but it is important during these times to not neglect the way we feed our physical bodies. Many people follow the idea that...
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Welcome to the Starkel Nutrition. As credentialed providers, we bring you relevant information frequently so that you can learn about timely nutrition subjects, decipher fact from fiction, and apply healthy eating to your life.