Inflammation, A Common Experience A Case Study

A common experience among our clients here at Starkel Nutrition is inflammation of some sort. Inflammation is a normal process that we all experience. It is the body’s reaction to injury, infection, or disease. There are foods that might be promoting...

A Gastrointestinal Case Study

Some of the most common complaints we receive from clients are about gastrointestinal (GI) issues. They are widely common. In fact, according to the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases, approximately 60 to 70 million Americans are...

Immunity in the Spring: A Case Study

One commonly overlooked aspect of immune function resides in a very unglamorous part of our bodies: our guts. Our gut bacteria modulates our immune function and does a lot of the heavy lifting when it comes to defending us against parasites, bacteria, and yes, even...

The “Need” for Iodized Salt Exploring Iodine

Have you heard that iodized salt is the only way to meet your needs for dietary iodine?  Do you feel confused about your need for iodine and wonder how salt impacts your health? This is especially relevant during February, heart health month, as your amount of sodium...