maple syrup Recipes

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Raw Vegan Caesar Dressing

This dressing would be good on romaine lettuce for a traditional Caesar salad or in a massaged kale salad for a hearty twist.

Gluten Free Granola

To make these gluten free, be sure to purchase certified gluten free oats.

Quick Quinoa Breakfast Porridge

This meal is very much like having oatmeal for's hot, hearty, and delicious PLUS it packs a little extra punch of protein that gives this meal some staying power. This recipe is very flexible- mix it up with different nuts, fruit, and spices like...

Raw Living Pumpkin Pie

Try a twist on holiday tradition with this delicious and healthy raw pumpkin pie recipe.

Maple Cinnamon Candied Nuts

These nuts are a delicious addition to any holiday salad. You can also put some into little jars and give them as gifts! 

Homemade Cinnamon Applesauce

There are many excellent brands of jarred applesauce but there is nothing quite as satisfying as freshly made applesauce from seasonal apples. Perfect for all ages.